Mouth Yeast Infection (Thrush) Causes, Symptoms, Prevention and Potential Treatment

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Mouth yeast infection or thrush is caused by the candida fungus, also known as yeast. This infection can also appear in other parts of the body like under the nails and in the vagina.
Causes of mouth yeast infection (or thrush yeast infection):

Everyone has a small amount of the candida fungus in our mouth, digestive tract and on our skin. Usually these are kept under control by other bacteria or microorganisms in the body. The infection appears when a certain illness or medication destroys this balance and allows the candida to go out of control and thus causing thrush.

Some of the medications that destroy this balance are antibiotics, birth control pills or corticosteroids. The illnesses that can cause this infection are diabetes, HIV, cancer or during pregnancy (because of the hormonal imbalance).

Symptoms of mouth yeast infection (or thrush yeast infection):
The infection usually develops suddenly but it may persist over a long period of time. The most common sign of mouth yeast infection is the presence of white, somewhat raised lesions on in your mouth, usually on your tongue or inner cheeks but they can also develop on your gums and tonsils.

The white lesions can be painful and may bleed slightly when you brush your teeth. Sometimes the infection can spread to your esophagus and it can cause difficulty in swallowing or a feeling that your food gets stuck in the middle of your chest.

How to prevent getting thrush infection:
Most important is to have a good oral hygiene and brush your teeth at least 2 times a day in order too keep your mouth very clean. Try and avoid mouth sprays and mouthwashes because they can destroy the balance of bacteria in your mouth and thus leading you to getting thrush.

Oh, and, try and quit smoking, the odds of getting a mouth yeast infection because you are smoking is higher, because the smoke destroys the balance of bacteria in your mouth.
Potential treatments for thrush infection:

I am pretty sure that by now there is a good chance that you heard about the whole yogurt thing...that may work but that is only a very temporary treatment and in most cases the infection might reappear very soon. Because of the nature of this infection, the proper treatment is to tackle it from it roots and cure it in a more permanent way.

Most of the treatments out there are only temporary and only a handful of them are actual "complete" mouth yeast infection treatments. If however, you tried some treatments and you still have not managed to treat it, it is strongly recommended that you see a doctor. Add to Technorati Favorites Bookmark and Share



About this blog

Mouth infection can have several causes ranging from a minor problem to something very serious. It can involve the teeth, gums, cheeks, lips and tonsils. It's rare that the tongue or the floor of the mouth becomes infected There can be pain, bad breath, difficulty chewing which can aggravate a TMJ problem or systemic disease

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